Thursday, September 17, 2009

School Sales

Do any of you have any feelings for or against the kids selling stuff for school. Myself I absolutely hate it! First week of school they come home with papers to sell magazines, cookie dough, and a whole lot of other stuff. They brain wash these kids with all the big prizes they can win--Wii games telescopes, microscopes, and a lot of other goodies. In todays economy neighbors sometimes can't make expenses never mind buy all this stuff from the kids. How many times can you ask a co-worker to buy? The kids that usually sell the most have parents who work in a large company and then that parent is obligated to buy a lot of stuff they don't use or need. If the schools need extre money for class trips or equipment for the playground, can't they just ask parents for a donation or have a community fund raising. Have a bazaar or a game day with parents, kids , teachers and invite the community. Do I sound like scrooge? I just am so aggrivated with all the selling. Then soccer sells and scouts and on and on and on. Tonite I am on my soapbox and thanks for listening!


  1. I have hated the fundraising by kids for years. I was once the fundraising chairperson for marching band and had alternatives for parents....INCLUDING donations in place of selling "things". (In truth, the band made VERY little from each item sold....maybe $1 profit from every $10-$15 if a parent donated $5, it was the same profit as the kid selling FIVE items.....because the cost of the "prizes" for the kids does, bottom line, come out of the organizations profits.) The biggest profit is made by the companies who ORGANIZE the fundraisers.....and usually the items that are sold are higher-priced than you could get them if you shopped for them on your own somewhere else!!! See...I am on a soapbox, too....and I totally agree with you.

  2. I hate it. It is usually stuff I don't need or want and I feel rotten saying no.

    They don't give the kids any type of form for a straight up donation and if you offer it, it freaks out the honest ones. The not so honest ones never turn it in. It is a lose/lose situation.

  3. I feel the same way!!!!....When our boys were in band, they would bring boxes of candy bars home to sell....guess who bought the most? Their dad with a sweet tooth....

  4. I never saw this post, I wonder why? Oh well....I agree with you and sometimes I feel obligated to buy because of the frienship with the parent.
