Saturday, September 12, 2009

Our Friday Nite Visit

Was a scarey one for sure. DH found out last week his back and leg pain is from a pinched nerve in the lower back. Its from arthritic spurs that came back from the surgery he had about 12 yrs ago. The only time the pain is relieved is when he sits or lies down. He is trying to be patient while waiting for an appointment to go for pain management therapy, but is getting impatient. The last 2 days he has seemed antsy but today he was extremely nauseas and dizzy and clammy, the same symptons he had before his quad by- pass several years ago. He had no pain, no chest pain but took nitro glycerin pills 1/2 hr apart. He didn't tell me and in the er he said I took them in case. A big no-no. He didn't put up too much a fuss when I called an ambulance. They did lots of blood work, chest and back x rays and several hours monitoring. Thank God all tests were good. After all was said and done he had 2 problems, The NITRO pills are for chest pain only and he has vertigo. For me it was really a scarey couple of hours but thank the Good Lord its not a serious or life threatening problem. Now he waits for the pain management! Keep your fingers crossed that that happens soon! Needless to say I haven't done much sewing, I can't seem to concentrate but I will be back!!!!


  1. Bot how scary for you!
    Sending prayers your way!

  2. Kaye......I'm sorry you had to go through such a scare. I knew Larry was getting impatient about waiting for a pain management appointment, but I had no idea you had this kind of episode last night. I'm glad it worked out to "only" be vertigo (which I know can be a totally annoying situation), but at least it's a better situation than what might have been. You should have called....I could have at least sat with you in the ER.

  3. Kaye, I am glad to hear that you are both okay. I can imagine that Larry was quite scared too. He had the same symptoms -and probably thought "this could be the big one" -so he made a bad choice (nitro pills)based on fear. Don't be too mad at him.
    Isn't Pat sweet? Saying she would have come sat in the ER with you.

  4. How scsry for you. Glad things turned out okay. I have positional vertigo and know how awful that can be. If you don't know what is hitting you, it's just awful. Hope it's just temporary. You are such a sweetie, I hate to see things like this happening to you. As if life were so easy, but you are a treat, and I'm sure your DH is too.

  5. Good news all is well, and I'm hoping things have settled down for you now, Kaye.

  6. That would be a scary night, I a glad that all turned out well. Hopefully, he can get the pain management appointment and be back on the mend.

    I would have come and sat with time take you lap top and visit with me, I was up.

    You get some rest, you need it.

  7. what a scare! and now what a relief. hope things get back to normal for you very quickly and your husband gets that pain relief.

  8. That was scary, I'm sure. I, too, am glad that all worked out okay. My husband has back pain, too. I always feel bad for him when he's in pain. I hope your husband gets better, soon.
