Years ago, when I was home raising my 5 I did a lot of knitting and crewel embroidery. The one I will show you was a pillow and the material was kinda like linen. It was done in 1976 and the background material was just falling apart. I salvaged the crewel work and put it in an embroidery hoop. Does anyone know of a spray I can use on it to prevent it from falling apart? Any help would be gratefully appreciated
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
I have been missing?
I haven't blogged for over a week, although I have been reading all my pals. I got a new laptop and it has taken a bit of time to navigateon it. I have tried and tried to use the built in mouse, no dice, I am much too slow on it so went back to the wireless mouse. That works so much better for me. I am also having difficulty finding all my pictures that I downloaded. For the past year I have used the Adobe program and it was user friendly. My son put all the things that I needed to save and transfer from the old computer to the laptop on an external hard drive.. Gary, Pat Casadei's dh, transferred the stuff and got me up and running. He was head of the computer dept at Rutgers College where he worked and he is sooooooo smart when it comes to the computers.I still have to play around with it and get comfortable with the pictures. Just wanted to touch base with you all, and let you know I haven't disappeared from the face of the earth!!!!! LOL Stay warm and have a great weekend. Hugs, Kaye
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Fractured Diamond

This past Monday, despite the snow and cold we Ladies of Lakeside had our bi-monthly meeting at Sherry's house. It was terrific to get out of the house, especially for my Quilting Sisters. Pat,, taught us how to do the Fractured Diamond, I brought my material and cut everything out and only did 2 samples so I could finish at home. I made 12 blocks, that will make a nice table runner. I am not sure how to put them together, therefore I am asking your advice, tan center that looks like a star or the other way--- 1 or 2. I would really appreciate hearing from you and what you think. Thanks, and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO YOU ALL
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
My Ray of Sunshine Today

Its been a blah kinda week, after so much of this snow it gets depressing, well today I got a Ray of Sunshine1, my package from Rachael in Canada arrived. It was her give-a-way and I was the Lucky winner. There is the beautiful Heart Quilt that I can use either as a wall hanging or on the table, she sent me the tea holder for your purse w/4 teabags inside, a $20.00 gift card from Hobby Lobby ( I am buying fusible batting with it)a box of chocolates, a magnetic pad and a Moda charm pack. I feel like its my Birthday instead of hers. Thanks again Rachael for your generosity and good taste.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
We sure did GET IT !!!!!!
OMG did we ever get the snow, the worst storm this area has had since the early 1900's. We tried to get ready for the snow, however I don't think anyone was ready for a 30+ hour without electricity and somewhere about 20 inches of the white stuff. Sure was difficult, and we couldn't go anywhere as it was a state of emergency and only essential, emergency cars were allowed on the roads. It just kept coming and coming and around 3 this past am it turned to rain and sleet and thats when we lost power. We are in the middle of 2 major roads. Rte 113 goes N and S from salisbury up to Wilmington and US 1 goes N and S from Ocean City Md to New Castle and the bridge to NJ. There were 7 fallen power lines/poles down on 113 and 3 on rte 1 near Rehoboth. What a disaster!! No sewing machine, no TV, no radio and no computer. Back to years gone by. Bless my daughter and my Grandson, they shoveled us out and also shoveled for 3 houses where the people were unable to do it. One was very elderly, one just had 2 knees replaced and one a widow with a bad back. I am real proud of them, it was not easy and they came home exhausted and soaked. Each took a quick hot shower while the hot water lasted and fell asleep. We had a gourmet dinner, soup and crackers. Lucky we have a gas stove so at least we could heat the soup. I hope the food in the freezer is okay as we didn't open it at all. We all went to bed at about 8:30. We had 4 blankets on our bed and Pat & 2 kids slept in the living room in sleeping bags. We have a fireplace but a limited amt of dry wood as we very seldom use it. That kept us warm for a bit.. Thank you God for keeping us safe and say a little prayer that the power stays on!!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Snow, Snow and more to come
Today is Feb 4th and we have just about dug out of the past week end storm. We had 12 inches and were we surprised as Delaware usually gets a dusting. We have lived here 7 years and this is by far the worst winter we've had here. Kids are loving it, no school Monday, 2 hr delay Tues., and no school on wednesday as roads were icy. Now this week end we have a forecast for a BLIZZARD- 18 to 24 inches. I tried for 3 days to buy a snow blower. tried in DE, NY NJ and VA. My dh has a pinched nerve in his lower back and a bone spur on the hip where he had the replacement so he cannot shovel or do any heavy work. My daughter and GS Brandon have been doing it but they cannot be here all the time with work and school. When its hot and humid in the summer I promise not to complain!!
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