Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Last week two of my 3 sisters and I got together for lunch. Our youngest sister lives in Texas and couldn't make it. I am the oldest and sitting across from me in the red shirt is Pat. She lives down here in DE a bit closer to Ocean City. In the center is Roni who still lives in NY but we are working on that. I think she will come down as she loves the Ocean. Roni vacationed at Jersey for 1 week and then came down to visit Pat and I for a week. We ate at Baywood Country Club right up the street. It is a lovely place with much atmosphere and great food. The building and surrounding grounds are absolutely beautiful. Thats another blog, I will go there one day and take pictures. All of this is in the center of the golf course. We don't get together too often, just the three of us, so we sat and gabbed and gabbed. We talk on the phone all the time but its not the same as having lunch together


  1. It is great to get together with family when times are good and you can truly enjoy each others company. (Tell them sisters to SMILE!)

  2. Yes...what is WITH Pat and Roni not smiling???

  3. They both worry too much about double chins, not me, I was happy we were together and I show it

  4. a sisters day out is always fun! maybe they didn't smile because their face hurt so much from talking and laughing so much being together.

  5. Sounds like you had a great time....nothing like sisters.

  6. A heartwarming photo!
