The boys are here for their "Delaware" vacation. We really enjoy them being here as we don't get to see them as much as we would like. The hardest part is the noise level when they get together with Katie and Brandon and all the games. They love the Wii, Animal crossing, and Wi Sports Resort. They are all very good at it and very competitive. Yesterday they went on the boat fishing with DH and my dtr Pattie. A great time was had by all and they even caught some fish. They came back and went to the pool. Today is overcast so I think they will go to Jungle Jims. Its a water park w/ bumber cars. After 4 hrs there they should be tired out. LOL. This is Raymond on left 9 and Nathan 7 1/2 Nick with his "BIG" fish and the whole gang. Good time was had by all
Monday, August 31, 2009
My NY Grandsons Come For a Visit
The boys are here for their "Delaware" vacation. We really enjoy them being here as we don't get to see them as much as we would like. The hardest part is the noise level when they get together with Katie and Brandon and all the games. They love the Wii, Animal crossing, and Wi Sports Resort. They are all very good at it and very competitive. Yesterday they went on the boat fishing with DH and my dtr Pattie. A great time was had by all and they even caught some fish. They came back and went to the pool. Today is overcast so I think they will go to Jungle Jims. Its a water park w/ bumber cars. After 4 hrs there they should be tired out. LOL. This is Raymond on left 9 and Nathan 7 1/2 Nick with his "BIG" fish and the whole gang. Good time was had by all
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Chickens and Hens
There is an interesting story to the boot in the first picture of the last blog. 21 years ago my son and dtr in law moved into their first apt. The landlady was a tiny elderly Italian woman in her 90's and her name was Moe. She was so sweet and friendly. Going up to the apt were some concrete stairs and on the side was the boot! It had the chickens and hens and what amused me was the hole where the pinky toe would go. I remarked to Moe one day how cute it was and asked was it your husbands? She replies, yes you likea, you likea, take it. I said oh no I couldn't especially that it was your husbands. Thats the kind of Lady she was, don't admire anything in her house, she'll give it to you. She became very close to Skip and Madeline and took good care of them. Fed them often too, she was a Sweetheart. After several years Moe became ill and The Good Lord took her home. Her children broke up the apt. and rented it out. There went the boot! One day Skip came to visit with a big package for me. It wasn't a birthday or holiday even, and I asked whats this? He said just open it----I did and there was the boot!!!!!. He found it thrown in the back yard behind the garage and the rest is history.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Chickens and Hens

These are among the easiest plants to grow, in fact they need almost no attention. They are in the succulent family and don't require a lot of water. In the winter I leave them out, in the spring they just start growing by themselves. They propagate with the little ones and if they are in or on the ground they just grow and grow. To start a new plant I just take a bigger one or two, scratch the surface of the dirt and put it down and the plant does the rest.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
My Beautiful Plants

I love the spring/summer seasons with all the flowers, plants and flowering trees. Here in Delaware we have a lot of beautiful plants that the landscapers put in when we moved in. Among a few are the ornamental grasses, hostra, magnolia tree, crepe myrtle tree, mugho pine, a large holly tree and all kinds of greens. We use a lot of mulch so weeding is at a minimun . I have several containers with chickens and hens. I will get pictures of them to show you. I have them in an old tea pot, an old work boot and a strawberry pot. I don't have a lot of colored flowers and I miss them so we are going to make some changes for next year. We grow pots of herbs on the steps off the patio and I have a few potted plants on hangers. The Boston Fern shown has grown so well, its very full and plush. I don't know what I will do with it when the cold weather comes. They need constant misting and watering and take up a lot of area. We'll see
Friday, August 21, 2009
Shes Back!!!!!!! She's Working!!!!!
I got a call a while ago that my sewing machine is ready. What great news, I have been without it over 3 weeks and am definately having withdrawal. I was doing my applique stitch and the machine just stopped running, electricity was on but machine was DEAD and I couldn't turn the top wheel. I couldn't begin to imagine what was wrong. Took it to the sewing center where I bought it, ( its an authorized Janome repair shop). The owner picked it up, plugged it in and went to turn wheel that makes needle go up and down and said, my god when was this serviced last? I said never and she explained the cam shaft across top must be serviced 12 - 18 months. It would take week to 10 days as they were busy. After 10 days I called, was told they were waiting for a new cam or something like that. well I lucked out as the day they were going to work on the machine the Janome rep was there and looked the machine over and told them to put in a new motor. He saw how clean I kept bobbin and sewing area and believed I didn't know about the rest so gave it to me, no cost. I only have to pay the normal service cost of 85 dollars. Can't wait to get it back. I am very appreciative as Pat C lent me her old Singer work horse, so I did a little sewing, but I want mine!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Last week two of my 3 sisters and I got together for lunch. Our youngest sister lives in Texas and couldn't make it. I am the oldest and sitting across from me in the red shirt is Pat. She lives down here in DE a bit closer to Ocean City. In the center is Roni who still lives in NY but we are working on that. I think she will come down as she loves the Ocean. Roni vacationed at Jersey for 1 week and then came down to visit Pat and I for a week. We ate at Baywood Country Club right up the street. It is a lovely place with much atmosphere and great food. The building and surrounding grounds are absolutely beautiful. Thats another blog, I will go there one day and take pictures. All of this is in the center of the golf course. We don't get together too often, just the three of us, so we sat and gabbed and gabbed. We talk on the phone all the time but its not the same as having lunch together
Monday, August 17, 2009
Pat Sloan Swap, "Let Them Eat Cake"

Look at what I got in the mail today! My awesome tote from my partner PamHish of IL. She did such an awesome job, and I absolutely LOVE IT!!!!!! We got some of the material in a kit and had to add the rest from our stash and then decorate it. What a coincidence both she and I used the same stripe fabric. Don't you just love the mad hatter and the embroidery? I also think the cupcake is toooo cute. Thank You again Pam, I am so excited that we were partners and hopefully keep in touch. Hugs, Kaye
Thursday, August 6, 2009
A Treasured Tote Bag

This beautiful bag was made by My Mom about 40 years ago. She was mainly self-taught, but went for a class or two. This was the first class she took--The Folded Star. When I first saw it I was amazed at the work that went into it and thought at that time-- I will never be able to do anything like that. I regret that I didn't learn then but I was truly intiminated by her work. I was raising 5 kids then and really didn't have the time. Now that I am a quilter I appreciate and treasure what she did even more.. One of these days I will show you the quilt she made for my bed, I have to redo the binding as it is wearing out, but the rest is still in fine shape. I will fix it up and one day it will go to Katie as she is the only girl of my 10 Grandchildren. Nana T would have gotten quite a kick out of Katie. My Mom was a strong believer in re-incarnation and the story of Bridie Murphy. Who knows she may have come back thru Katie!!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Hooray, they are GONE
Thanks to Pat, A Little of this and A Little of Pat, and Anne of enbelle for the instructions. I redid all the steps this morning and THEY ARE GONE!!!Thanks girls for your help. Blogging friends are the best!!!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
My Apoligies
I sincerely apologize to all of you, no I am not crazy, can't figure out how to get rid of the last 5 blogs. All I was trying to do was put a widget on my sidebar for the friendship tote and to show where to sign up and all about it Again I am truly sorry for boring you all
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