Sunday, May 3, 2009

Katies Big Day, Part 2

I dug out the picture of Katie's Mom wearing the dress. She is pictured with my nephew Frank who made it the same day. Then I got the picture of my Hubby the day he made his and last my First Communion and I am pictured with my Grandma Burton and my Great Grandma Morris.


  1. I love those pictures.....I know what a special day it is for you and your family.

  2. I just LOVE seeing these old photos. It's great that you have them. My family didn't value them enough to save them when the grandparents died and I had no say in it (as I wasn't living near enough to home to help sort through things). *sigh*

  3. Kaye,
    Love the photos. The one of your hubby is just precious.
